Each month, Clare Florist deliver a beautiful bouquet of three different flowers to your door. You’ll receive a surprise bouquet of three different flowers every month – no matter what time of year it is!
Each bouquet will be delivered on the same day of the month, at the same time. The flowers will be sent to the delivery address you specify in the checkout process. If that is not possible, a member of the Clare Florist team will contact you to discuss an alternative delivery date.
There are no automatic renewals and no obligation to buy anything further from Clare Florist at any time in the future.
- Three mystery flower bouquets, one per month, for three months
- Your flowers sent to the same delivery address on the same date of each month
- No automatic renewal – a one off payment of £79.99 covers the three months
This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves flowers, or for yourself if you love getting flowers.
The 3 month flower subscription is a great way to get fresh flowers delivered to your door every month. You can choose from Clare Florest’s HUGE range of bouquets and they will deliver them on the same day every month until you tell Clare Florest to stop.
The flowers are carefully chosen by the Clare Florist experts and hand-picked from their huge selection of the freshest blooms. They are then carefully arranged into beautiful bouquets that are delivered straight to your door.